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All Message from Series

A Season of Growth

April 16, 2023




June 11, 2023

We are in a series called A Season of Growth and we are talking about the fruit of the spirit and growing these fruits in our lives. Today we are covering the final attribute, self-control. Do you ever wonder why this is the last in the list? Is it the least important? Well, probably not. After all, this list is called the fruit of the Spirit, not the fruits of the Spirit. It's your life and it's your work viewed in its entirety. I believe that self-control is last because it takes a resolve and it takes a denial of self to overcome any temptation so that you can show love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness. We're going to learn from a negative example in the Old Testament how to be self-controlled. Today we look at the story of Cain.


June 4, 2023

As we continue the fruits of the spirit series, A Season of Growth, we zoom in on Joy with a look at Philippians.


May 28, 2023

We are in a series called A Season of Growth and we are talking about the fruits of the spirit and growing these fruits in our lives. We have looked at love. gentleness, peace, patience, goodness and kindness. Today we land on faithfulness and the story of Joseph.


May 7, 2023

A lot of pressure that we experience in life doesn't come from the big things. It comes from the "5 weights of life." It's easy to see a 5 pound weight and think "well, I can handle that. It's not too heavy." But if you add enough of those 5 pound weights it will soon be overwhelming. These daily pressures have a cumulative effect. 2 Corinthians 1, Paul speaks of a point in his life where he was under such great pressure that he wasn't able to personally endure it. It was just too much. What will it take to find PEACE in your life? In today's sermon, Wes explores 2 Corinthians, John14, and other supporting verses to help answer this question.


April 30, 2023

As we're studying through the Fruits of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control." I would say that gentleness tends to be the fig of the fruit of the Spirit. It tends to be the fruit that we know is on the list, but it's not the fruit that many of us desire. It's not something we think much about. I mean, we'll pray for love, joy, peace and patience. We want that in our lives. But Gentleness? Gentleness is "turning the reins of your anger and aggravation over to the Holy Spirit."

The Fruit of Love

April 23, 2023

Pulling the Weeds

April 16, 2023

In this new series, we'll explore The Fruits of the Spirit and how they apply to our lives.