MCC Bad Weather Policy

Services are based on the Holmes County Sheriff's levels as of Sunday morning at 7:30 AM. Please listen to WKLM or watch our Facebook pages for delay/closing announcements.


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July 7, 2024



August 4, 2024

Start By Jumping

July 7, 2024

Join us as our new associate minister, Josh Ware, dives into our new series "Cannonball."

Going Under

July 14, 2024

What we believe about God determines how we live for Him. Compassion - Sympathetic pity or concern for the suffering or misfortunes of others. Compassion is impossible if you refuse to see or acknowledge the suffering and misfortune around you. Mark 6:34-35 "He saw the large crowd...and had compassion." Jesus made it a point to see people. Your heart cannot be broken for something - thus, driven by compassion to remedy the brokenness- if you refuse to see or acknowledge the brokenness. "They were like sheep without a shepherd." "So He began teaching them many things." Jesus saw the crowd. Jesus felt compassion for them. Jesus' compassion prompted action. How do we see the people around us? Slow down Remove your narrative Ask Jesus for eyes to see

Making Waves

July 21, 2024

Matthew 25:14-30 The Master: "You Wasted What I Gave You." Actual talents/gifting/skills Resources Opportunities What gifts has God given me? Who is my sphere of influence? What are my passions?

Everybody Jump

August 4, 2024

If 330 million people in the US jumped in the air simultaneously, pushing off the earth with an average force of 800 N each time for 0.10 s, what would happen to the 5.98 x 10^24kg earth? (you've got 25 minutes to show your calculations that justify your answer) "Three of the key elements in the art of working together are how to deal with change, how to deal with conflict, and how to reach our potential." - Jonathon Murphy "without vision, our actions wander aimlessly, without action, our vision is just daydreaming." - Jonathon Murphy