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All Message from Series


June 9, 2024



June 30, 2024

All Things To All People

June 30, 2024

We are Christ's ambassadors, God's appeal to a broken world is through us. Ambassador - "An accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country." You are credited. You are sent. You are God's plan. Surrender: Jesus is not just your Savior, but the King of your daily life. Are you willing to go, do, say and give whatever He asks of you, no matter the cost? Vision: Knowing God will use many Christians to reach the world, don't try to do everything yourself. Instead, understand the part you need to play and how you fit into God's rescue mission, which influences even the minor decisions you make each day. Plan: Though God can use you when you least expect it, He wants you to look before you leap - to see what simple, practical steps it will take to make progress toward the vision He has given you.

The Cost

June 9, 2024

DOES FOLLOWING JESUS COST ME ANYTHING? For the early church, following Jesus cost them something...for some it cost everything. For most western Christians, our faith costs us almost nothing...and as a byproduct of that is most American Christians, have a very shallow faith. We aren't really that faithful... Because we can have our cake and eat it too. We claim Christ but don't really die to ourselves. 3 things following Christ might cost you. Status Relationship Lifestyle FOLLOWING JESUS SHOULD COST ME SOMETHING. What's it costing you?